

Germans cool to marriage and monogamy

Germans cool to marriage and monogamy
Photo: DPA

Germans have serious doubts about marriage, monogamy and life-long partnerships, according to a survey released on Thursday.


Some 53 percent believe most couples won’t stay faithful during their marriage or partnerships. And an overwhelming 80 percent think divorce is no big deal, according to GfK market research firm's survey of 2,028 men and women from throughout the country.

"Our culture is not as supportive of partnerships as before and the marriage vows are not as binding,” said Hamburg-based psychologist and couples therapist Oskar Holzberg.

Experts like Holzberg say laissez faire attitudes about relationships and breakups have become more common, in part because divorce no longer carries the same social stigma it did just a few years ago – especially not for women.

According to Elke Rohmann at the Ruhr University in Bochum, roughly two-thirds of all divorces each year are now initiated by women. She said women had become more financially independent and were no longer prepared to continue with a dysfunctional marriage at any cost.

About a third of the roughly 375,000 German marriages that take place each year end in divorce, according to government statistics. But contrary to popular opinion, many of the failed marriages last quite a long time – on average they end after more 14 years.

DPA/The Local/mdm


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